
Don McIntosh

In Memory of Don McIntosh

Don McIntosh passed away Tuesday, November 11th, 2014.  His family has set up this website to celebrate his life and to share memories of this gentle giant of a man.

We invite you to share memories of Don here on his memorial site. You can do that by signing in  or registering as a new user, and creating a “new post.”  Add anything you want to your posts:  stories, photos, links, poems or condolences. (You can also embed a hosted video).  If you prefer to post as a guest, you can simply add a comment to any post or page.  We know it will mean so much to everyone who loved him, especially Barbara, Scott and Craig.

If you would like to send a message directly to Barbara, you may use the form on the Contact Page.

Thank you for visiting his site.  Please check back as the site takes shape and hopefully reflects the spirit of this kind and gentle man.

With Love,
The McIntosh Family